So I quit my job and am moving to Korea. Yep, that's right. Google was a great experience, and it was difficult to leave the Gmail team after spending the last four and a half years working on a product used by millions of people every day. But I decided I needed a change. Life had become too comfortable, and I felt like something important was missing. Every day I heard that voice nagging, the one telling me to go for it, to start a company, to do something big, to "free fall into chaos" and willingly enter a life of unpredictability. It was time. So I spent a month working feverishly to finish up the most important unfinished projects at work, and then gave my notice. I immediately felt lighter. I knew it was the right decision. I consolidated my belongings, which were strewn among a number of friends' houses in the Bay, put a bunch into storage, threw a ton of stuff out, donated over 100 pounds of clothes and shoes, sold both my cars, packed up my stuff, and hopped...